A simple solution for a wide variety of applications including;
- Beauty Salons
- Market Stalls
- News Kiosks
- School Canteens
- Mobile Food or Retail Stores
- Event Catering
More than just simple, the QUORiON QMP18 is supplied standard with many features not found on cheaper alternatives.
The QUORiON QMP18 features include 12 Programmable department (category) keys, 2 media (CARD and CASH) keys to separate taking totals as well as the standard REFUND and DISCOUNT keys. The CANCEL key completely cancels an incorrect transaction without affecting the total.
The cash drawer is supplied as a separate item that not only allows many different sizes, but it means if the drawer is damaged, it can be replaced separately. It also means the drawer can be installed under the bench for security.
Standard Features often offered as OPTIONS on other brands.